
5 Steps to Holding A Trivia Night

Trivia nights have gained popularity over the years. Whether it is a coffee house, a bar, discotheque or restaurants, trivia night has made an integral inclusion. Successful trivia night is when the participants have a fun time and are eager to come back again to participate in the quiz. The lively atmosphere draws in huge crowds, and it is a way of boosting up your sales and promoting your brand. We list below five steps for holding a trivia night.

  1. Format selection – A trivia night game is held under three different formats: pen and paper, smartphone-based game and tablet-based. Pen and paper format is the most ancient and method in which the host reads aloud the questions and players use a sheet of paper to pen down their answers. Players may team up or play solo. Trivia night can also be played using the handheld tablets or smartphones in which players submit answers through these electronic gadgets.
  2. Choose a host – After you have decided on the format of the trivia quiz, the next step is to choose a host and the source from where you can create content for your trivia night questions. The host must be thoroughly prepared, lively, and entertaining. The questions should include a bit of humor and must be brief and to the point. You can hire a professional host or choose one of your staff who is confident and entertaining as the show’s emcee.
  3. Guide the host – The next step is to let the host know what all he has to do. The host should be fully prepared to announce the kick-off for the event, to keep the necessary things like pen and paper, tablets ready, to make teams amongst the participants and create an engaging mood for the players. Another important responsibility of the host is to take up challenges thrown in by the trivia quiz takers. He must also regularly update the players about the team, or individual scores announce positions of each team and to ensure that no cheating takes place.
  4. Pen down the event plan – Whatever format of the game is selected; you must have all the equipment’s ready. For example, mic and speakers, projector, scree, pens and paper, answer sheets, fully charged tablets, budget for the event, number of participants, the floorplan, the capacity of the venue, etc.
  5. Prepare prizes for the winners – Great prizes are what lures participants. Invest in great prizes so that the guests feel worthy of taking part in the trivia night. You can go for a trivia trophy or a big medal or championship belt for the winner or the winning team. You could also give a gift voucher to the winners as well as to the runner up team. Do not forget to flash pictures with the winners on social media. This makes a great way of advertising your brand too.

We hope the above guide on how to hold a trivia night will help you draw huge crowds and conduct one successfully.

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