
Anti-Dandruff Shampoo: A Must Have

Everyone’s hair becomes oily, it is a natural process. This oil is called Sebum which is essential in protecting and maintain healthy hair. This is what causes your hair to look sleek and shiny but as one says too much of a good thing is also bad! It is only when you have an abnormal amount of oil or excess production of oil is leading to other problems. Excess oil on the scalp seems not only dirty and unhygienic but can be a breeding ground for the fungus that causes dandruff. Dandruff in itself is a public embarrassment especially if you find yourself scratching your head in public with dandruff falling all over your shoulders. It’s better to use the best anti dandruff shampoo for oily scalp than suffer such embarrassment! Also, such incidents usually lead to people having a bad image of you long term. If you are suffering from dandruff then it is likely to get worse in the coming winter season with the air all dry.

What causes dandruff:-

  1. Usually a skin which is overly oily and irritated causes dandruff.
  2. When a person does not maintain proper hygiene by not washing their hair often enough leads to skin problems like dandruff.
  3. Sometimes dandruff is a mere reaction of our immune system indicating that a yeast is living on our skin. This yeast is called Malassezia globose.
  4. Sometimes teenagers or young adults have hormonal issues leading to the problem of dandruff.
  5. It is also possible that some of your hair care products have not suited your skin. Dandruff is sometimes just a reaction of your skin to indicate that the particular product should not be used by that individual.
  6. Another possible cause is a skin condition called eczema.
  7. Dandruff can be a possible cause of a skin disorder called Psoriasis.


The problem of dandruff is not only of suffering in silence with so much irritation in your head breaking your concentration daily but also of long term losing your precious hair. Hair loss is an associated problem with dandruff. It’s better to take a timely measure and buy a good shampoo for oily scalp and dandruff. This is to follow the old saying that a stich in time saves nine! The stress of losing hair may just make the problem of dandruff worse leading to a vicious cycle of more dandruff and more hair loss.

Though there are many home remedies that treat this menace as well they are messy and time-consuming. Doing them is difficult and when you are experimenting at home it sometimes leads to adverse reactions rather than helping overall. It’s best to go for a good anti-dandruff shampoo which will kill the yeast living on your skin and help you saving yourself public embarrassment and stress! Taking timely measures will not only make you look as a responsible and hygienic person but will also help you have good and strong hair long term.

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