
Best foods for a healthy smile

A beautiful smile can boost your self-esteem as well as your self-confidence. To get that beautiful smile you need to have healthy teeth and proper oral care.

For proper oral health care, you need to visit the dentist on a regular basis for routine checkups. You can visit the best dentist in garland.

Most of the foods that we like to eat are processed and full of added sugars. These foods are also welcomed and enjoyed by the harmful bacterias in our mouth.

Make sure you don’t feed those harmful bacteria by avoiding sugary and processed foods.

However, there are certain foods that can help to promote healthy teeth and gum. Make sure you include more of these foods in your diest for that sparkling smile and oral health.

The following are the best foods for healthy teeth, gums, and the whole body:

1. Dairy products

Cheese is one of the best health foods for your teeth. It is low in sugar. It has high calcium content and it also contains casein. Casein is a protein that is particularly good for tooth enamel.

Cheese has high calcium content, which is important for maintaining bone density. Cheese also has a high content of phosphate. Phosphate helps balance pH levels in the mouth, which helps to preserve tooth enamel.

Drinking milk has a lot of benefits when it comes to your teeth. Milk is rich in protein, healthy fats,  calcium, and other essential elements. Milk, like cheese, also helps to balance the pH levels in the mouth, which helps to fight against tooth decay.

2. Water

Water not only helps to quench your thirst but is by far the healthiest drink available.

60 percent of our body`s made up of water. Staying hydrated is very important as it helps your body distribute healthy nutrients, gets rid of waste, gives your skin a healthy glow, and helps your muscles grow.

Drinking water, especially the fluoridated water helps to keep your teeth healthy. Fluoride is a natural cavity fighter and drinking water with fluoride is one of the easiest and most beneficial things you can do to help prevent cavities.

Water also helps to keep your mouth clean by washing away food particles and keeps your saliva levels high.

It is always recommend to carry water bottle with you. There are many kinds of wattle bottle are available in the market right now but we always recommend stainless steel water bottle or copper bottle as it is good for your health.

3. Crunchy vegetables

Eating crunchy vegetables is good for your teeth as they require a lot of chewing.  Chewing these crunchy vegetables helps to clean teeth surfaces.

Crunchy, firm foods with high water content are considered as natural teeth cleaners. They stimulate the flow of saliva, which helps to clean away food particles and bacteria.

Most of the crunchy veggies are usually also packed with some of the essential minerals and vitamins for your mouth.

Celery is considered as nature’s dental floss. The crunchy and fibrous texture celery makes it a very effective natural teeth cleaner.

Carrots are filled with nutrients and are also one of the great cavity-fighting vegetables. Carrots are packed with vitamin C, calcium, and keratins. All these nutrients are great for your dental health.

Eating fresh carrots also acts as a natural toothbrush. When you eat carrots, it hets mixed with your saliva, which helps to wash away stain-causing bacteria and food particles.

4. Apples and pears

An apple a day won’t keep the dentist away but it will certainly help to keep up your oral health.

Eating apples, pears, or other hard fibrous fruits can help clean your teeth and increases salivation. Increased salivation helps to neutralize the citric and malic acids left behind in your mouth.

Chewing the hard and fibrous texture of apples stimulates your gums. It also reduces cavity-causing bacteria and increases the flow of saliva.

Raw pears are good at neutralizing acids in your mouth that cause decay.

5. Nuts

Nuts are full of health benefits not only for your teeth but for your entire body.

They are packed with tons of essential nutrients and minerals like calcium and phosphorus.

Especially almonds, Brazil nuts, and cashews help to fight bacteria that lead to tooth decay.

Peanuts are a great source of calcium, protein, and vitamin D. Almonds offer good amounts of calcium, protein, and fiber. This is what makes them beneficial for the teeth and gums.

Cashews are known to stimulate saliva in your mouth. Walnuts contain everything from fiber, folic acid, iron, thiamine, magnesium, iron, niacin, vitamin E, vitamin B6, potassium, and zinc.

6. Meats and fatty fish

Most meats whether it is chicken, lamb, or beef offer some of the most important nutrients required oral health and overall well being.

Most of the meats are chewy and chewing meat produces saliva. An increase in the production of saliva is very important as it decreases acidity in your mouth and washes away particles of food that lead to decay.

Fatty fish like salmon and tuna are loaded with phosphorus. Phosphorous is an important mineral for protecting tooth enamel.

7. Crannberries and raisins

Just like tea, cranberries are also rich in polyphenols. Polyphenols play a very important role as an antioxidant.

Fresh cranberries are especially effective in stopping the process of plaque formation. Avoid having packaged dried cranberries as they contain a lot of added sugar that isn’t so good for teeth.

Studies suggest that compounds in raisins actually helps to fight tooth decay. Phytochemicals are antioxidants found in plants and such phytochemicals named oleanolic acid are found in raisins. Oleanolic acid prevents the growth of oral bacteria.

Phytochemicals in raisins may benefit oral health by fighting bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.

Apart from having a healthy diest, you can also get a beautiful smile by getting a smile correction at the best dentist in Garland.

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