What is Customer Effort Score & Advantages

customer Effort Score

What is Customer Effort Score (CES)?

Customer effort score (CES) is a numeric indicator of positive, neutral or negative customer experience during an interaction with your organization.

customer Effort Score

The logic behind this metric is that more effort from a customer in solving a problem results in a negative experience. Whereas, if the company can solve the problem for the customer such that they have to input the least amount of effort, then it results in positive customer experience.

Customer Effort Score Advantages

Here are some of the key advantages drawn from the strategic implementation of CES:

1. Deliver high on low:

CES is one of the best measurements of customer experience and satisfaction, mapped across various points of interactions with your company.

This data is critical to ensuring which customers need how much effort to be pulled back to a positive perception of your brand and ensuring account and revenue continuity.

In other words, CES gives you an action plan on customer prioritization, where your team will need to deliver high on customers with low CES scores.

2. Uncover hidden issues:

There is a great saying on work culture – ‘happy employees result in happy customers’. So if the CES metric shows that your customer success team is not able to adequately.


A deeper investigation often reveals underlying issues of inadequacies within the team – be it technological gaps, the employee will, and morale, lack of product knowledge, ineffective training, etc.

3. Faster damage control:

When it comes to customers – speed and effectiveness come first. Modern CES survey software can be easily configured through API calls to alert your customer-facing teams when a negative CES survey response is selected by a customer.


The assigned representative of the account can now immediately prioritize this account and reach out to the customer to probe what went wrong and how it can be fixed to ease of the customer.

4. Better customer relationship management:

Customer crisis management is a big part CRM process and strategic CES implementation tells you exactly when the crisis happened, for which customer and after speaking to which representative. From a crisis management perspective, this is a great head-start to ensure client continuity.

Customer Effort Score


Customer Effort Score is a numeric indicator of positive, neutral or negative customer experience during an interaction with your organization.

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